Bidding forum questions
These are the bidding problems to appear in the April 2025 issue. Entries close on 23 March.
Click here to view the readers' answers for February, or here to view the AB Standard bidding system.
Hand One
West deals, EW vul, IMPs. You are South.
images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes) AJT8
images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes) K32
images/diamondsm.gif (109 bytes) 864
images/clubsm.gif (113 bytes) 753
West North East South
pass 1images/diamondsm.gif (109 bytes) 1images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes) dbl
2images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes) pass pass ?
South's double of 1H showed exactly four spades.
Your bid:
Hand Two
East deals, nil vul, IMPs. You are South.
images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes) Q54
images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes) 7632
images/diamondsm.gif (109 bytes) 963
images/clubsm.gif (113 bytes) 842
West North East South
1NT pass
pass dbl pass ?
1NT = 14-16.
Dbl = penalty.
Your bid:
Hand Three
South deals, both vul, IMPs. You are South.
images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes) 85
images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes) KQT9763
images/diamondsm.gif (109 bytes) AQ75
images/clubsm.gif (113 bytes)
West North East South
1images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes)
pass 1images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes) pass ?
Your bid:
Hand Four
North deals, nil vul, IMPs. You are South.
images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes) AQ2
images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes) A75432
images/diamondsm.gif (109 bytes) J
images/clubsm.gif (113 bytes) 642
West North East South
pass 1images/clubsm.gif (113 bytes) 1images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes)
pass 2images/clubsm.gif (113 bytes) pass ?
Your bid:
Hand Five
North deals, EW vul, IMPs. You are South.
images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes) AKJT97642
images/heartsm.gif (112 bytes) 753
images/diamondsm.gif (109 bytes) K
images/clubsm.gif (113 bytes)
West North East South
1images/clubsm.gif (113 bytes) pass 1images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes)
pass 2images/diamondsm.gif (109 bytes) pass 3images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes)
pass 4images/spadesm.gif (111 bytes) pass ?
Your bid:
Submit answers